California Condor Overhead, originally uploaded by phaelosopher.
A Question….
Since there is One Mind, One Intelligence, One Brain…. AND …Since humankind’s ability to travel via flying has always been there….yet…. just manifested successfully in the last century…. How Do You Think The Day Will Come About When All Of Us Can FLY With Our Own Natural Bodies At Will? What do you think would have to occur in order for this to take place?
This is a life question for me because I am ready to fly at no harm to myself or others.
Dear L.D.
Thank you for this question.
We can fly now, and have always been able to. Therefore, you can fly now, and have always been able to. However, not with your physical body which, vibrationally speaking, is the “slowest” of the “cluster” that makes up each human constellation. Having said that, if you feel that you are ready to fly physically, by all means, follow your Inner Guidance.
All of our other bodies are natural, including the energy bodies that we generally cannot see. If anything, the physical one is the most unnatural with respect to our most innate nature. For example we think that we feel and experience “touch” and other sensations through the nerve endings of the physical body, but these impulses actually come through our emotional body, which will not appear on traditional anatomy charts. Ask an amputee if they still feel the pain of a limb that has been removed. We intellectualize that this is a mental thing, but it’s really “physical,” energetically and vibrationally speaking.
The “proof” of our natural ability to fly is personal, but universal. Every human being sleeps, at which time, each one leaves his or her physical form and embarks — in a body of light/energy — on journeys to far flung realities of thought… from down the street, to other galaxies, and even to other periods and places in time/space. These bodies normally interpenetrate our physical one, in fact, creating the energetic pattern that it both forms itself around and functions within. However, they are generally unseen to our eyes in the same way that certain wavebands of light and sound — ultraviolet, gamma, X-rays, etc. — are invisible to our sight but definitely real.
Our inability to fly physically is also influenced by (1) consciousness, (2) practicality, (3) collective agreement, and (4) personal belief. The human physical form was designed to interact in the space/time continuum of Earth. It is relevant here, and is designed to operate within the electromagnetic field of this reality. It allows us, (1) to awaken to who we are, (2) address and transmute our fears, (3) embrace and carry more of our own natural light (Love/God).
This process will allow us to heal, not only ourselves, but the planetary body; to uplift not only ourselves, but return the darkest aspects of our own beingness to the light. This is a courageous path, because we must love all in order to do so. Only love raises consciousness, awareness, and vibration. Only love brings balance and harmony. Only love increases light. By choosing it, we become more of what we already are. When we succeed in embodying more of the love that is available to us, we will then gain the sight, capacity, and vibrational compatibility to see and interact with other life forms that, today, in this moment, we would more likely be inclined to fear.
When we become love, we can confidently “walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fearing no evil.” We will know that love is with us; its rod and staff will comfort us — and it will comfort those who we might have once feared.
I dare say that most people still think that “good” and “evil” are parts of two different camps, factions, or forces that are eternally poised to “do battle.” Not so. We are divine beings who are having a self-created limitation experience; one that we chose; not so that limitation or duality would be eternal, but that we could experience what limitation is like, even though it is the antithesis of who we are.
Fear, which is the vehicle of limitation, is simply love set on a very “low” level. If you have life, then love is active. If you exist, then love persists. But if your life is miserable, you can bet that a lot of fear is predominant in you. Every human has the ability to transform this situation. No one can transform it for another, since everyone is capable of transforming fear for themselves.
Our process of waking up to our natural beingness, will also heal the vibrational disturbances that we have created or experienced while in darkness, anywhere and everywhere in space/time that we have been.
On several occasions in my life, I have awakened some mornings with memories of places I journeyed to that were like no place on earth, where I examined architecture, tools, vehicles (flying and land-based), and technology like nothing I’ve ever seen here. Such experiences are unforgettable.
We limit ourselves by not appreciating the freedom we already have, and by identifying ourselves only with what we “see” in an earth context; especially with our bodies. In so doing, we also limit the real practicalities of operating consciously and openly in our “light energy” bodies.
Until enough people are informed and self-aware, our persistant “physiocentricity” would very likely spur most people to react, either in fear of, or to worship those who had openly mastered this more liberated form of expressed beingness. They would be deemed either special, or a threat, while the yet uninformed masses, would think they are “normal.” This is the long-standing “flip/flop” of reality that we live under. Truth is, limitlessness immortality is our true state of normalcy.
It is an intriguing thought for sure, but one that doesn’t call me personally. I am continuing my quest to learn who I am, master my own being, and create my experiences consciously, with awareness, and respond to the unexpected and even unwanted, with grace and equanimity.
When I learn to bilocate, I’ll appear where I’m needed, and in the best way for all, for the movement or “shift” from place to place will be instantaneous, with no need to “fly” through the air and pull bugs out of my teeth.
If I want to know what it feels like to fly through the air, I will either do so with my astral body — an experience I have had — or I will become the wind itself, without physical form — an experience I have also had. Both were wonderful and unforgettable. Both were as vivid and real to me as my memories of typing this reply to you this morning. As such, they are equally real and evidence of ever present, all pervading possibility.
I have had many out of body exp over the last 15 years i have no doubt there real they have changed my life in so many ways i was a thug when younger but now all i feel is love and respect for everyone and everything. Please could you tell me why when out of body some things around the house ar not the same as in the pysical. thanks.
Hi Paul,
You might give some examples of what you’re talking about, but I’ll say that when you’re “out of body,” you can also discern energetic properties that are also associated with the individual, creature, or object. Physical reality presents the very least amount of information about what we observe, upon observation. Subtle dimensions reveal more, which may take the form as color patterns, sounds, or light (which is comprised of both sound and color).
Happy perceiving!
yes, i’m on facebook. i don’t have a website, just facebook. do you use facebook?
i have found you as my eyes are telling me to sleep now. first i wanted to say that i can’t wait to delve into “all of this!” with you. looking forward to reading more tomorrow, is this your personal webiste? blogsite? do i make a profile? i am too sleepy to think straight!

will you be in san francisco again soon?
i would love to meet you face to face!
thank you so much, my nameis Keri.
KNOWING and NOW-ING. Yes indeed! That’s a reassuring thought.
That ability, as well as, all the other avatar abilities, comes as a result of KNOWING all the Universe Loves us and supports us in any experience we’d like to imagine for ourselves.
KNOWING, as in, without a doubt.